How To Download Full Size Photos From Instagram

How To Download Full Size Photos From Instagram

Without the use of websites or tools from other parties

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Have you seen such a nice photograph on your Instagram feed that you want to save it? You want to save and download it not in the reduced size of Instagram but the full resolution? You don’t know how to do this without other websites and tools? Here we provide a simple method how to perform this task. Only thing needed is a personal computer!

If you want to download photographs from Instagram it is not easy on the first sight. On Instagram you can only store to your saved messages. And if you download it is not in the full resolution of the photograph. You can use websites you find on the internet. Only, they take a lot of waiting time and plenty of ads. You don’t need other parties websites. You only need Instagram and a web browser with our method.

Big plus of this method: the poster of the picture will not notice you downloaded the picture!

1. Open Desired Photo in New Tab

The first step is to find your favorite picture and open it in a new tab. You can simply do it by hovering you cursor over the picture, hit the right button of your mouse and click open in new tab.

2. Inspect Elements

The next step depends a bit on your browser. You need to right click on your wished picture and find an option like ‘Inspect’ or ‘Inspect Elements’. If you click on this a window should show up which shows HTML-code. Don’t be scared by this. This guide helps you through.

3. Find The Picture In The Elements

This step is the most difficult but with a bit of effort you will make it. Now we have to find the picture in the element. It will be a link to the picture which is hidden in the HTML-code. If you have done the previous step properly and did right-click 
on the picture the code concerning the picture already shows up. You should see a bunch of links to the same picture. By hovering over the elements in the code you see highlighted in the web page what code belongs to what on the web page. You have to find the code that highlight the picture. By clicking you can expand the code further and further until you see the part with the links to the picture. The row above the one that is selected in the beginning may be the right one. Look at the images how the code and links should look like.

Now you found the links you should take the last link. Copy this one. You should copy everything between src=” and “. Do not include src=” and the last ” . Congratulations, now you have the link of the picture. You can paste this url in the address bar in a new tab. When you press enter you browse to the picture in full resolution!

5. Download The Photograph

Now you can download you photography! Simply right-click on the photograph and select “Save as” or use the shortcuts “ctrl + s”. Now you have downloaded you favorite picture to your computer!

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